The Nomination Forecast is used to forecast the nominations of underground gas storage facilities users, based on the advanced forecasting models (linear or neural networks). The created models allow estimating the value of the nominations over a long time horizon (maximum 1 year), which can be used for long-term planning of storage operations.
The results represent the nominations in the weekly aggregation presented together with the confident interval of the model. User has the possibility to compare forecast results with real data and analyze them based on a number of statistical data provided by the system.
Key functions
Additional source of information on the trends in the nomination of storage users
Prediction for individual storages users as well as summary prediction for all customers of a particular access point
Accurate predictions based on technological, weather as well as macroeconomic and technological data
Possible integration with external systems providing weather or gas price forecast
What-if analyses for different weather and macroeconomic conditions
Possibility to analyze the quality of prognostic models by comparing forecast results with actual historical data